Among the ethical standards required of medical professionals in Colombia by Law 23 of 1981 is the duty to adequately and timely inform all their patients of the risks that may arise from the treatment that will be performed, requesting their consent in advance (article 15 and 16). Therefore, this written document is intended to inform you about the “SONDIMED” device that you will carry from now on, which is why we request that you pay attention to the following information:
- The “SONDIMED” Device is responsible for monitoring the vital signs of each person belonging to the network and serves as a link platform between them.
- The “SONDIMED” Device alerts each individual of their health status and if they require help, the people registered in the system as a caregiver will be informed by text message so that they can help them in case of emergency.
- Please note that the “SONDIMED” Device sends the text message including the user’s geolocation so that the people registered on the network as caregivers are aware of the location and can help them.
- The “SONDIMED” Device will be used as a georeferencing aid in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, using this information for distribution and management by the medical care centers (IPS) that may be enrolled in the services of “SONDIMED”.
- The “SONDIMED” Device is an early arrest aid, therefore it does not replace the medical evaluation, procedures, clinical examinations or medical treatments that the user and/or wearer of the device must undergo.
I understand and accept the information previously provided by signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand its content. Before Purchasing The “SONDIMED” Device I have been given ample opportunity to ask questions on the Website or to the Distributor and that all questions I have asked have been satisfactorily answered or explained. I accept that the “SONDIMED” Device is not 100% accurate and that it may occasionally and exceptionally have a margin of error like all electronic devices. Understanding these limitations, I agree to be a user of this Device. In any case, whether through a document signed and sent physically or scanned with a digitalized signature, it will be understood as acceptance of this consent.